
Dealing with the challenges of today requires someone to bring a different perspective and is willing to step out of their comfort zone to make a difference in the lives of the people they encounter.
Lydia’s Nest emerged out of a pursuit to help prevent poverty.

Established in 2015, the organization was driven by compassion for others, bold actions, and a strong foundation of love for humanity.

The Vision:

An economically resilient and socially equipped community.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to help prevent poverty.

Eliminate poverty, food insecurities, and improve the health and well-being of the community through resource dissemination, social services, and education promotions where communities thrive across the globe.

The Symbol:

The world represents the community of people. The nest represents eaglets that may be in a place where they may need be nourished now, but also seeing where they can grow and become eagles that rise up, fly high, and see far beyond their current situation. The hands represent the work we do in the community.

Legal Name:      Lydia’s Bowels of Mercy Home, Inc.

Fondly Known As:    Lydia’s Nest

Slogan:  Where Real People Get Real Help

Motto:  We are here to serve, not to be served.

Pledge:  We pledge to do our best to make a positive difference in everyday lives by connecting people to a network of supporters and services essential for basic needs and living in the community.

Where did the name come from?

Lydia’s Bowels of Mercy Home was given to Dr. Black in 2008 in the middle of night in a dream.  The first name given to her was “Bowels of Mercy Home”. Three months later, in another dream, the name Lydia was given to her.  The two were then put together to form Lydia’s Bowels of Mercy Home.

Lydia is one of the most forgotten women of the bible. Very little is said about Lydia. There are only two mentions of her by name in Scripture—in Acts 16.  She was an entrepreneur, the maker of purple. As Paul, Timothy, Luke, and Silas traveled spreading the gospel, they came across Lydia at a riverside.  After hearing the word, Lydia opened heart, then she opened her home to Paul and his friends. She insisted that they come to stay at her home. That’s what Lydia is known for, an opened heart.  And that’s what we are known for, an opened heart, caring and responding to the needs of others. The story of Lydia is a great example of God’s Providence and His care for His people. Not only does Christ share with us His standing before the Father, but He also shares with us His “bowels of mercies.”  When we love others from our bowels, we are participating in Christ’s love for them.  We are “moved with compassion” in the name of Jesus. 

So please don’t think I’m rude, I’m only being biblical when I ask you, how are your bowel movements?  Are your bowels of mercies straitened and shut up?  Or are you moved with compassion?  We are moved with Compassion.

God loves us from His bowels and that’s how He wants us to love each other. 

Bowels of Mercy…

The verb form of the Greek word for “bowels” means to be moved in one’s bowels, but the KJV translate it more idiomatically as “moved with compassion”.  This word is used to describe the emotional life of Jesus.